The wondrous world of Harry Potter opens its doors during the Advent season! With this unique Harry Potter Advent calendar, presented in the form of a magically designed potion chest, fans can experience the magic of Hogwarts every day during the pre-Christmas period. Behind each of the 24 doors and creative containers hides a piece of jewelry or accessory, from bracelets to chains, bookmarks, pens, a pencil, hair ties, and a special Christmas tree ball.
The Advent calendar was created by Carat Shop, a specialist in licensed jewelry products, and radiates not only through its content but also through its appealing exterior. A small lock protects the magical treasures inside, while the box with its dimensions of 22.5 x 22.5 x 11 cm fits beautifully into any room.
This Advent calendar is the perfect surprise for women, teenage girls, and all young witches and wizards. Every day in December becomes a magical experience and brings a sparkle to the eyes of Harry Potter fans young and old. A magical way to enjoy the pre-Christmas season in full magic and at the same time expand your collection of Harry Potter merch!
Exclusive Harry Potter Advent Calendar 2023
91,69 $
Magical anticipation with the Harry Potter Advent Calendar! 24 enchanting jewelry and accessory surprises that will make the heart of every Potterhead beat faster.
Category: Christmas
Tags: Advent Calendar, christmas, Harry Potter, hogwarts, Jewelry
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