Anticipate 24 days brimming with magical surprises with the Funko Advent Calendar, dedicated to the beloved character Rubeus Hagrid from Harry Potter. Each day, open a door to discover unique Funko Pocket Pops ready for your collection. Arrange them against the artistic backdrop of the packaging to conjure your very own enchanting scene. The countdown to Christmas has never been more thrilling! Expand your assortment of mini-figures and engage in playful storytelling. This distinctive Advent Calendar is the quintessential gift for yourself or other Harry Potter enthusiasts, making the anticipation of Christmas an absolute delight!
Funko Harry Potter Advent Calendar
52,47 $
Experience a magical countdown to Christmas with the Funko Advent Calendar! Behind each door awaits a unique vinyl mini-figure from the wizarding world of Harry Potter. Perfect for collecting, playing, and displaying, this calendar transforms your festive anticipation into an enchanting journey through your favorite magical moments.